Károly György Tamás wrote:
> Sziasztok.
> Van esetleg valakinek $subj lefordítva debian alá?
> Ha érdekes:
> PHP 5.2.3-0.dotdeb.1
> Linux 2.6.22-1-686
> mnoGoSearch-sqlite 3.2.41-3
Felesleges, a debian-ban levo pear/pecl extensionok a legritkabb esetben 

Kis demo (debian etch):

ga-k8nf-9-3:~# pear list
Installed packages, channel pear.php.net:
Package        Version  State
Archive_Tar    1.3.1    stable
Auth           1.4.3    stable
Auth_HTTP      2.1.6    stable
Auth_SASL      1.0.2    stable
Cache          1.5.5RC4 beta
Console_Getopt 1.2      stable
Date           1.4.6    stable
HTTP_Request   1.3.0    stable
Log            1.9.8    stable
Net_URL        1.0.14   stable
PEAR           1.4.11   stable
XML_Serializer 0.18.0   beta
XML_Util       1.1.1    stable
ga-k8nf-9-3:~# dpkg -l | grep php-
ii  php-auth                         1.2.4-0.1                       PHP 
PEAR modules for creating an authenticat
ii  php-cache                        1.5.5RC4-1 
framework for caching of arbitrary data
ii  php-date                         1.4.6-1                         PHP 
PEAR module for date and time manipulati
ii  php-db                           1.7.6-2                         PHP 
PEAR Database Abstraction Layer
ii  php-file                         1.0.3-1                         PHP 
Pear modules for common file and directo
ii  php-http                         1.3.6-2                         PHP 
PEAR module for HTTP related stuff
ii  php-http-request                 1.3.0-3 
provides an easy way to perform HTTP request
ii  php-log                          1.9.8-1                         Log 
module for PEAR
ii  php-mail                         1.1.6-2                         PHP 
PEAR module for sending email
ii  php-mail-mime                    1.3.1-1                         PHP 
PEAR module for creating and decoding MI
ii  php-net-smtp                     1.2.6-2                         PHP 
PEAR module implementing SMTP protocol
ii  php-net-socket                   1.0.6-2                         PHP 
PEAR Network Socket Interface module
ii  php-net-url                      1.0.14-4 
easy parsing of Urls
ii  php-pager                        2.4.2-2 
Pages an array of data, creating links to pr
ii  php-pear                         5.2.0-8 
PEAR - PHP Extension and Application Reposit
ii  php-xml-parser                   1.2.6-2                         PHP 
PEAR module for parsing XML
ii  php-xml-serializer               0.18.0-2 
swiss-army knife for reading and writing XML
ii  php-xml-util                     1.1.1-3                         a 
XML utility for php-pear

Mindenesetre php5-dev felszerel, aztan:

ga-k8nf-9-3:~# pecl search mnoGoSearch
Retrieving data...0%....50%....Matched packages, channel pecl.php.net:
Package     Stable/(Latest)     Local
mnogosearch -n/a-/(1.0.0 alpha)       mnoGoSearch extension module for PHP
ga-k8nf-9-3:~# pecl install  mnoGoSearch
Failed to download pecl/mnoGoSearch within preferred state "stable", 
latest release is version 1.0.0, stability "alpha", use 
"channel://pecl.php.net/mnoGoSearch-1.0.0" to install
Cannot initialize 'mnoGoSearch', invalid or missing package file
Package "mnoGoSearch" is not valid
install failed
ga-k8nf-9-3:~# pecl install  channel://pecl.php.net/mnoGoSearch-1.0.0
downloading mnogosearch-1.0.0.tgz ...
Starting to download mnogosearch-1.0.0.tgz (15,645 bytes)
......done: 15,645 bytes
3 source files, building
running: phpize
sh: phpize: command not found
ERROR: `phpize' failed

Mert nincs fent a php5 dev. Elofordul, hogy dependency nyugje van, de 
akkor is kiirja, hogy mi kell neki, akkor azokat is fel kell rakni 
elotte a fenti modon.

linux lista      -      linux@mlf.linux.rulez.org
