Fried Zoltan wrote:
> Sziasztok,
> Milyen parametert kell allitanom ahhoz, hogy
> befolyasolni tudjam, hogy hany sort
> lehessen a console-on a shift+page up gombokkal visszagorgetni ?
> Gondolom valahol a kernelen belul van, de amit annak gondoltam
> az nem az:(

Ezt talaltam igy hirtelen:

"The kernel
console driver will write text starting at the top of the video memory,
continuing to the bottom, then copy the bottom part to the top again, and
continue, all the time using hard scrolling to show the right part on the
screen. You can scroll back until the top op the video memory by using
Shift-PageUp (the grey PageUp) and scroll down again using 
Shift-PageDown (the
grey PageDown), assuming a default keymap. The amount of scrollback is thus
limited to the amount of video memory you happen to have and you cannot
increase this amount. If you need more scrollback, use some program that
buffers the text, like less or screen - by using a buffer on disk you can go
back to what you did last week. (One can set the amount of scrollback for
xterm by adding a line like XTerm*saveLines: 2500 in .Xresources.)"



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