On Mon, 2002-10-07 at 20:37, Yves Godin wrote:
> >Can you contact our marketing/technical support ??
> I certainly will, but first I need to know what performance
> I can expected from the SIS550. I`m in a rush now, I need
> to determine this week if the SIS550 will be able to sustain
>   10 MB/s in seconds in NFS writing.
> You are probably the best person to ask,  what is the performance
> that I can expected from the SIS550 ?  The 550 is our prefered choice,
> but if it not performant anough, we will go with the VIA C3 with a PLE133T.

I have forwarded your mail to our IAPD technical marketing personnel
Jason Tsai. I believe he will give you detailed benchmark result.


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