Alessio Sangalli wrote:
Is it allowed to insert a custom logo, instead of the tux one which is displayed on the first seconds of the boot? Which file is the definition of the logo, and is it the same format of the kernel?
pergaps I've found it, grepping the source:
on pcchips787.config I read:
# these actions put the pcx image file on the front of the bios.
# the image size is placed in the first 4 bytes then the pcx file
# important that ROM_IMAGE_SIZE be set to 128K or larger.
# The logo file is called linuxbioslogo.pcx and should be copied to the build directory
addaction linuxbios.rom dd if=$(TOP)/src/pc80/linuxbioslogo.pcx of=linuxbios.rom bs=1 seek=4 conv=notrunc;
addaction linuxbios.rom perl -e '@a=stat "$(TOP)/src/pc80/linuxbioslogo.pcx";$$a=pack("L",$$a[7]); print $$a' | dd of=l
inuxbios.rom bs=1 conv=notrunc
are there particular restrictions on the image properties? width/height, bit depth...?
thank you
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