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                 I have the custom board (geode sc1200) with peripherals like ethernet, PCI audio video decoder, Tuner, hard disk, SDRAM, Flash memory. I will have to have my BIOS program, linux kernel and specific application program in my Flash memory. I have hard disk only for storing files.
                  My Flash memory is of 32 Mbits and SDRAM 32MBytes.
                  I want to use LinuxBios. I build it for nano mainboard. But still I have many doubts. In normal BIOS, we will say the bios program to load the bootloader from hard disk into location 0000:7C00.
                 What part of the program in Linuxbios will bring my linux kernel image from Flash into SDRAM?
                 Is any options or something to be included in the configuration file to say to boot from Flash memory.
                 In my embedded device the Flash memory is mapped to physical address 00000h to 3FFFFFh. So at what location should i place the linuxbios romimage and linux kernel image in my Flash memory?
                Where shall my application program be placed in Flash? I hope I should have a filesystem. Is the MTD meant for the filesystem?
               What part of the program in Linuxbios will bring my linux kernel image from Flash into SDRAM?
Thanks in advance.

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