On Friday 05 September 2003 4:05 pm, ron minnich wrote:

> On Fri, 5 Sep 2003, ??? wrote:
> > I am afraid they will buy it when they have no or very few choice. When
> > the majority of the boards on the market are DRM enabled or most of
> > the digital information requires DRM to be accessed, pepole will
> > buy  these products. I don't know how it is in the U.S., but here in
> > Taiwan, MS is using the recent SoBig/Blaster virus as a "sales point"
> > for its "Trusted Computing" hype.
> that's quite funny. First, M$ builds insecure software, then pushes DRM as
> a fix for their own software?

Not so new, I think.   For years they've been buildig insecure software, then 
pushing the next version of Windows as "the most reliable and most secure 
version of Windows ever" (by "ever" of course, they mean "so far").



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