On Tue, 23 Sep 2003, Bernd Modeker wrote:

> I tried the following bios which I extracted from insyde bios:
>       sh-2.05b# ./testbios elpin.vga -d 94
>       running file elpin.vga
>       No size specified. defaulting to 32k
>       No base specified. defaulting to 0xc0000
>       No initial code segment specified. defaulting to 0xc000
>       No initial instruction pointer specified. defaulting to 0x0003
>       halt_sys: file ops.c, line 9836
>       halted
>       sh-2.05b#

that's annoying. I've tried to add more helpful output to the x86 emulator
from X11 (such as all the messages above) but obviously I missed some 
important bits. 

can you decode this a bit for me? What is it looking for in terms of 
devid, and how is the pci read returning wrong values?


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