I have access to a few WBTs at a surplus place, and I've dug up the specs on them:

Cyrix Pentium clone - 266MHz
up to 128MB SDRAM
ports: PS/2 keyb/mouse, 2 USB 1.1, 2 serial, 1 parallel, 10/100 ethernet, and sound in/out

the chipset(s) include a SuperIO 97317, and a CS5530 (which handles the soundblaster compatible sound and presumably the video).

The board has an Award BIOS little square-like ROM, and a larger 8MB ROM which holds Windows CE.

There are also various places on the board which could have had various optional features, but there is no IDE, floppy, etc...but I think if I solder on a PCI slot where it belongs I could hack some more funtionality onto it for testing.

I've been thinking of how to go about hacking this thing, and the easiest method I'd like to try first: Burning a new ROM to replace the Windows CE version. I doubt this thing would be easy to flash the BIOS, if it even had that capability.

I'm not looking for graphics, a text screen will be more than sufficient.

On this, I have two questions: What's my chances for success (educated guesses?), and has anyone done something similar?

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