I tested my payload(FILO.elf) with linux loader Grub. It has no problem at all. So something must go wrong when linuxbios jumps to the payload. FILO doesn't seem to run at all. No debug message over the console.


Don’t’ know if there is anyone familiar with ELF.

This is the message over the console at the end.

It seems that there are 2 segments in the ELF. In the end, linuxbios jumps to an entry that looks like the in the middle of the first segment.

Does it look right?





Found ELF candiate at offset 0


 (cleaned up) New segment addr 0x100000 size 0x270f0 offset 0xa0 filesize 0xd068

 (cleaned up) New segment addr 0x127100 size 0x48 offset 0xd120 filesize 0x48

Dropping non PT_LOAD segment


Loading Segment: addr: 0x0000000000100000 memsz: 0x00000000000270f0 filesz: 0x00 0000000000d068

Loading Segment: addr: 0x0000000000127100 memsz: 0x0000000000000048 filesz: 0x00 00000000000048


Jumping to boot code at 0x1092e4


entry    = 0x001092e4

lb_start = 0x00004000

lb_size  = 0x00024000

adjust   = 0xfe5d8400

buffer   = 0xfe5b8400

elf_boot_notes = 0x00015680

adjusted_boot_notes = 0xfe5eda80



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