Oh, ok. I just tried an etherboot payload, and that loads. So it must be my FILO config. .. I don't even get the boot: prompt..

I'm going to try the etherboot ide_disk maybe and and see what that does.

Any ideas what's going on with FILO?

Luc Belliveau wrote:

Thanks for the feedback, those lines helped. Now I get as far as:

Welcome to elfboot, the open sourced starter.
January 2002, Eric Bierderman.
Version 1.3

And it sits there... should it be doing something else before it loads up FILO, or does this mean LinuxBIOS has finished it's job and now I need to play with the payload?




   Consider me Pre-Pinged !

I've already e-mailed Luc and the list, I guess you haven't caught up with your
e-mail yet :-)

There is definately a need to add the following 2 lines to


Current status of my epia code is as follows :-
It's booted ! All the way though LB, loaded a kernel via filo from the hard
disk and let me login. There are issues with the speed, the boot sequence
seemed painfully slow. This could be for any number of mis-configured settings
at my end.

I also seem to have some spurious output before getting to the following line
LinuxBIOS- (date) starting...

which seems to be part of the northbridge debug lines.... I haven't tracked down
whats going on here yet.

At present, I'm trying to clean up the southbridge code.


Quoting "Ronald G. Minnich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

On Fri, 3 Dec 2004, Luc Belliveau wrote:

I compiled from freebios2 from cvs, when I boot all I get back from the serial
port is:

LinuxBIOS- <date> starting..
vt8601 init starting
Slot 00 is SDRAM 04000000 bytes x2
Slot 01 is empty
Slot 02 is empty
Slot 03 is empty
vt8601 is done

that's it. I tried changing the DEFAULT_CONSOLE_LOGLEVEL but when I do that
the resulting rom stops at Slot 00 is SDRAM 04000000 bytes x2.

well we need to ping mark wilkinson, as he just committed a bunch of fixes


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