> > > It should be straight forward to remove all of the tests etc for switching
> > > from a fallback to a normal image.
> >
> > Do I really have to remove them?  Ron seemed to suggest that if I just
> > turn off the fallback suff then I will end up with only a singel
> > fallback image.
> I was thinking of the per board test that make the policy decision
> which image you should be in.

Ok so now I'm confused again.  Perhaps we should just go through the
gory details and I'll be sure to write it up in something for the next

When HAVE_FALLBACK_BOOT=1 things do the normal fallback, check and
jump to normal.  This won't ever work fully on our board since the
CMOS is not powered.

When I set that to 0 whats going to happen in the resulting build and
image runtime?

I would prefer to stay as close to the framework you have already and
just running fallback seems fine to me if thats all I need to do.

Richard A. Smith
Linuxbios mailing list

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