Hey Adam,

I think it's a typical geode gx1 board as well.

I'm no expert. But here are my guesses. VGA is
typically 16 pins. LPT is typically on a 26 pin
header. Serial ports typically on 10 pin headers.
Keyboard/Mouse typically on one 6 pin header. I think
I see parallel port at the horizontal 26 pin header at
the bottom right of your top pic. The horizontal
header at the top left looks like a 44 pin IDE header.
One thing that you could do is get the MAC address of
the ethernet and that might give you an idea of who
owns that block of MAC addresses. So long as it's not
RealTek, of course. I don't know what the long
vertical connector, my eyesight's failing me but it
looks like a 50 pin header in which case it'd be a
breakout connector of the kind that advantech uses. In
which case you'd have to find the datasheet.

--- Adam Talbot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, I have been googling this board for the last 2
> day's and have found
> nothing.  Can any of your guys ID this board? Or
> perhaps point me in the
> right direction.  I put the BIOS into my programer
> and grabed a copy of the
> ROM, but that has given me no new information.  I am
> looking for the pin
> outs, VGA, PS/2, network.  Any ideas?
> http://www.etministries.com/webfolders/top.JPG
> http://www.etministries.com/webfolders/bottom.JPG
> -Adam
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