> As I found on some chipsets, the CPU can be too fast, and it should:
> 1. start op
> 2. wait for 'smbus active' indicator to go to 1
> 3. wait for 'smbus active' indicator to go to 0
> is this by any chance your problem?

The code is basiclly a port of the working V1 assembly code converted
to C.  I seem to remember that the V1 code did exactly what you are
talking about.  Perhaps I goofed up a flag polarity or some other core
piece of info while doing it.

I'll whip up a patch today when I get to work and post it up for
anyone interested to look at.  Perhaps a fresh set of eyes will catch
the issue.

I'll need a place to upload to.  Or I guess you can commit to CVS.
Didn't someone mention that they were going to provide space for stuff
like this?

Richard A. Smith
Linuxbios mailing list

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