On Wed, 31 May 2006 09:44:33 +0200
"Per Mellander" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm experiencing problem with the flashrom utility. I have a BIOS SAVIOUR 
> RD1-PL, and at
> start it worked quite alright. I was able to flash the prom that's located on 
> the RD1
> and tried different settings in my LinuxBIOS. I was on the other hand not 
> able to read
> the contents out of the original BIOS because it was not detected properly. I 
> have an
> EPIA-MII 12000 with BIOS ver 1.35 ( bought it recently so it's quite new. ) 
> The fact
> that I couldn't read the original BIOS didn't on the other hand keep me from 
> flashing
> the part on the RD1.
> The big problem now is that I'm not able to erase the flash anymore, making 
> it quite
> hard to continue developing my LinuxBIOS.

        Wait, which kind of IC (manufacturer) have you inserted as a 'mirror'?


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