On Fri, Mar 02, 2007 at 08:57:12PM +0100, Carl-Daniel Hailfinger wrote:
> > That's good news I think, it means that flashrom is probably doing the same
> > thing as Q-flash.
> Yes, both programs don't disable shadowing.

So, let's assume that's the case. 

The Q-flash tool - built into the proprietary bios - also has 'restore'

So; if I would attempt to 'restore' the copy of the BIOS I made with Q-flash,
I would have a brick? Or perhaps those 2 bytes don't matter for proper
operation of the machine?

> No, of course not. That would be too dangerous, so you can bet that shadowing
> is on.

I guess that means that flashrom needs fixing. Can someone who knows MCP55
chime in?


Ward Vandewege <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Free Software Foundation - Senior System Administrator

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