Hi Ron,

2007/3/6, ron minnich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> WOW! You made my day with this one!
And you made my day developing it ;-)

> OK, linuxbios community, here's a challenge: it's 6 seconds to busybox
> prompt. Where is the time going? And, how do we get it to 2 seconds?
> What would it take? It would be interesting to see.

I have some ideas to improve speed. Currrently I am using VGA ROM to
initialize the video card, but the vm86 emulator lost a lot of time
executing it. This mainboard (Tyan s2850) have an ATI Rage XL and
LinuxBIOS supports it.
My idea is to use the native driver to initialize the video card and
LinuxBIOS will just copy VGA ROM to C000:0000 without execute it (it
is necessary because Xvesa need VGA routines).

> Alan, what tools did you use to build the flash image?
Ron, I do everything manually. But my next work will be integrate it
with buildrom (used in OLPC) to simplify the work to other peoples.

> And, congratulations again. Great stuff.
Thank you very much.

> thanks


> ron


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