Hi Stepen,
  I would like to thank you for the movitation you given to me. 
  A. For the conveniance of clarity, i am again recapitulate the facts/figures 
about my board.
  1. Northbridge: VT8605  almost similar to VT8601 or VT8603
  2.Southbridge: VT 82C686 which has integrated super I/O controller
  3. CPU: 300Mhz Celeron Processor
  4. Memory: 512 MB SDRAM
  if any other info, pls let me know
      1. In this mail, i am sending you data as much as possible for you 
           comments/suggestion   for improvment the porting process.
      2. Now i would like to ask couple of question. Since raminit does not 
complain any failure and ramcheck also passes ramtest.Next, code in crt0.S is 
able to copy the code from ROM to RAM. I am also able to read the code and 
print them in the serial output.So my question is, if i am able to read/write 
correct data to/from RAM, why is there doubt on incorrect DRAM initialisation?
  If i am not able to jump to a designated place (0x4000) in RAM simply due 
incorrect DRAM initialisation, then what are those things which i am not taking 
care of during DRAM initialization? Can u pls hightlight those area in RAMINIT 
so that i can re-walk those area.
   3. if really, the DRAM initialization is correct, then what are the factors 
that may stop/misdirect the control to jump to a correct location in RAM.
  I tried to print the contents from the RAM which is copied from the ROM to 
RAM in the start of crt0.S, they are byte by byte same as is for c_start.o
  4. Are there any role of the register like AX,BX, CX and DX & other index 
register while control is try to jump at ram location. For reference, i am also 
printed the contents of the register before jumping i.e jmp *%edi
  5. In my config, i have set DCAHE_RAM =0
  6. i have compared the register dump for linuxbios and legacy bios.They are 
not exactly same. Should i try to cpmpare the entire dump or the register dump 
of device 00.0 only? 
  B. I would also like to give you the register dump( for the Device 00.0) of 
legacy BIOS
       The ouput given below has been taken by lspci
  00: 06 11 05 06 06 00 10 22 00 00 00 06 00 00 00 00
  10: 08 00 00 ec 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  20: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  30: 00 00 00 00 a0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  40: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  50: fd db c8 fe 02 00 20 20 e0 00 10 20 20 20 20 20
  60: 3f 2a 00 a0 e6 00 00 00 41 7c 43 0f 08 21 00 00
  70: c4 80 cc 0c 0e a1 d2 00 01 b4 09 00 00 00 00 00
  80: 0f 40 00 00 c0 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  90: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  a0: 02 c0 20 00 01 02 00 1f 00 00 00 00 27 12 00 00
  b0: c0 ff 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  c0: 01 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  d0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  e0: 32 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  f0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 32 42 00 b0 00 00 00 00
  C. linuxbios log
  LinuxBIOS-2.0.0.fallback Fri Mar 23 18:50:48 IST 2007 starting...
  01 is the comm register
  SMBus controller enabled
  vt8605  init starting
  00000000 is the north 1106 0605
  set ref. rate
  enable multi-page open
  Register Dump (from LinuxBIOS) for Device 00.0
  00:06 11 05 06 06 00 10 22 00 00 00 06 00 00 00 00 
  10:08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
  20:00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
  30:00 00 00 00 a0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
  40:00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
  50:ac 08 80 03 00 00 20 20 e0 00 20 20 20 20 20 20 
  60:3f 00 00 30 e6 00 00 00 41 7c 43 01 08 21 00 00 
  70:00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 f0 00 02 00 00 00 00 
  80:00 c0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
  90:00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
  a0:02 c0 20 00 01 02 00 1f 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 
  b0:80 63 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
  c0:01 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
  d0:00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
  e0:00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
  f0:00 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
  ---Register Dump End here--------------------------
  ---RAM CHECKING (from 0-640K & 1M-16M)-------------
  Testing DRAM : 00000000-000a0000
  DRAM fill: 00000000-000a0000
  00000000 00010000 00020000 00030000  00040000 00050000 
  00060000 00070000 00080000 00090000  000a0000
  DRAM filled
  DRAM verify: 00000000-000a0000
  00000000 00010000 00020000 00030000  00040000 00050000 
  00060000 00070000 00080000 00090000  000a0000
  DRAM range verified.
  Testing DRAM : 00100000-01000000
  DRAM fill: 00100000-01000000
  00100000 00110000 00120000 00130000 00140000 00150000 00160000 00170000 
  00180000 00190000 001a0000 001b0000 001c0000 001d0000 001e0000 001f0000 
  00200000 00210000 00220000 00230000 00240000 00250000 00260000 00270000 
  00280000 00290000 002a0000 002b0000 002c0000 002d0000 002e0000 002f0000 
  00300000 00310000 00320000 00330000 00340000 00350000 00360000 00370000 
  00380000 00390000 003a0000 003b0000 003c0000 003d0000 003e0000 003f0000 
  00400000 00410000 00420000 00430000 00440000 00450000 00460000 00470000 
  00480000 00490000 004a0000 004b0000 004c0000 004d0000 004e0000 004f0000 
  00500000 00510000 00520000 00530000 00540000 00550000 00560000 00570000 
  00580000 00590000 005a0000 005b0000 005c0000 005d0000 005e0000 005f0000 
  00600000 00610000 00620000 00630000 00640000 00650000 00660000 00670000 
  00680000 00690000 006a0000 006b0000 006c0000 006d0000 006e0000 006f0000 
  00700000 00710000 00720000 00730000 00740000 00750000 00760000 00770000 
  00780000 00790000 007a0000 007b0000 007c0000 007d0000 007e0000 007f0000 
  00800000 00810000 00820000 00830000 00840000 00850000 00860000 00870000 
  00880000 00890000 008a0000 008b0000 008c0000 008d0000 008e0000 008f0000 
  00900000 00910000 00920000 00930000 00940000 00950000 00960000 00970000 
  00980000 00990000 009a0000 009b0000 009c0000 009d0000 009e0000 009f0000 
  00a00000 00a10000 00a20000 00a30000 00a40000 00a50000 00a60000 00a70000 
  00a80000 00a90000 00aa0000 00ab0000 00ac0000 00ad0000 00ae0000 00af0000 
  00b00000 00b10000 00b20000 00b30000 00b40000 00b50000 00b60000 00b70000 
  00b80000 00b90000 00ba0000 00bb0000 00bc0000 00bd0000 00be0000 00bf0000 
  00c00000 00c10000 00c20000 00c30000 00c40000 00c50000 00c60000 00c70000 
  00c80000 00c90000 00ca0000 00cb0000 00cc0000 00cd0000 00ce0000 00cf0000 
  00d00000 00d10000 00d20000 00d30000 00d40000 00d50000 00d60000 00d70000 
  00d80000 00d90000 00da0000 00db0000 00dc0000 00dd0000 00de0000 00df0000 
  00e00000 00e10000 00e20000 00e30000 00e40000 00e50000 00e60000 00e70000 
  00e80000 00e90000 00ea0000 00eb0000 00ec0000 00ed0000 00ee0000 00ef0000 
  00f00000 00f10000 00f20000 00f30000 00f40000 00f50000 00f60000 00f70000 
  00f80000 00f90000 00fa0000 00fb0000 00fc0000 00fd0000 00fe0000 00ff0000 
  DRAM filled
  DRAM verify: 00100000-01000000
  00100000 00110000 00120000 00130000 00140000 00150000 00160000 00170000 
  00180000 00190000 001a0000 001b0000 001c0000 001d0000 001e0000 001f0000 
  00200000 00210000 00220000 00230000 00240000 00250000 00260000 00270000 
  00280000 00290000 002a0000 002b0000 002c0000 002d0000 002e0000 002f0000 
  00300000 00310000 00320000 00330000 00340000 00350000 00360000 00370000 
  00380000 00390000 003a0000 003b0000 003c0000 003d0000 003e0000 003f0000 
  00400000 00410000 00420000 00430000 00440000 00450000 00460000 00470000 
  00480000 00490000 004a0000 004b0000 004c0000 004d0000 004e0000 004f0000 
  00500000 00510000 00520000 00530000 00540000 00550000 00560000 00570000 
  00580000 00590000 005a0000 005b0000 005c0000 005d0000 005e0000 005f0000 
  00600000 00610000 00620000 00630000 00640000 00650000 00660000 00670000 
  00680000 00690000 006a0000 006b0000 006c0000 006d0000 006e0000 006f0000 
  00700000 00710000 00720000 00730000 00740000 00750000 00760000 00770000 
  00780000 00790000 007a0000 007b0000 007c0000 007d0000 007e0000 007f0000 
  00800000 00810000 00820000 00830000 00840000 00850000 00860000 00870000 
  00880000 00890000 008a0000 008b0000 008c0000 008d0000 008e0000 008f0000 
  00900000 00910000 00920000 00930000 00940000 00950000 00960000 00970000 
  00980000 00990000 009a0000 009b0000 009c0000 009d0000 009e0000 009f0000 
  00a00000 00a10000 00a20000 00a30000 00a40000 00a50000 00a60000 00a70000 
  00a80000 00a90000 00aa0000 00ab0000 00ac0000 00ad0000 00ae0000 00af0000 
  00b00000 00b10000 00b20000 00b30000 00b40000 00b50000 00b60000 00b70000 
  00b80000 00b90000 00ba0000 00bb0000 00bc0000 00bd0000 00be0000 00bf0000 
  00c00000 00c10000 00c20000 00c30000 00c40000 00c50000 00c60000 00c70000 
  00c80000 00c90000 00ca0000 00cb0000 00cc0000 00cd0000 00ce0000 00cf0000 
  00d00000 00d10000 00d20000 00d30000 00d40000 00d50000 00d60000 00d70000 
  00d80000 00d90000 00da0000 00db0000 00dc0000 00dd0000 00de0000 00df0000 
  00e00000 00e10000 00e20000 00e30000 00e40000 00e50000 00e60000 00e70000 
  00e80000 00e90000 00ea0000 00eb0000 00ec0000 00ed0000 00ee0000 00ef0000 
  00f00000 00f10000 00f20000 00f30000 00f40000 00f50000 00f60000 00f70000 
  00f80000 00f90000 00fa0000 00fb0000 00fc0000 00fd0000 00fe0000 00ff0000 
  DRAM range verified.
  -------------END OF AUTO.C----------------------------------
  vt8605 done
  -----WE are in crt0.S-------
  Copying LinuxBIOS to RAM.
  --regsister dump when copying is done-----
  Printing eax=00003333
  Printing ebx=ffffd14a      
  Printing ecx=00000000
  Printing edx=ffff03f8
  Printing esi=ffff7094
  Printing edi=00004000
  Printing cs=00000008
  Printing ds=00000010
  End of Register dump
  Memory dump (from RAM 0x4000 upto 7094byte)
  [I have intentionaly put some ee at the start of c_start.s for conveniance of 
identification. I have also deleted some of the last byte for saving space]
  Jumping to LinuxBIOS.
    [After that, it simply hangs]
  if any other info is required to get out this problem, pls let me know.
Stefan Reinauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  * sanjay tiwary [070323 14:20]:
> Hi
> I am not able to go beyound "Jumping to LinuxBIOS".Initially i thought
> it is a DRAM problem. But ram test passes. I am also able to
> read/write from/to RAM.So i guess my jump is not working. But i am not
> able to find out.
> So, Can anybody see the register dump which is taken before the jmp
> *%edi.
> LinuxBIOS-"2.0.0"".fallback" "Fri Mar 23 18:28:27 IST 2007" starting...
> Copying LinuxBIOS to RAM.
> Printing eax=00003333
> Printing ebx=ffffd14a
> Printing ecx=00000000
> Printing edx=ffff03f8
> Printing esi=ffff7092
> Printing edi=00004000
> Printing cs=00000008
> Printing ds=00000010
> End of Register dump
> --------------------------------------------

Sorry, this log contains no information useful for debugging the

>From the log it seems no memory init is done at all? 

Is this still the vt8601 northbridge board?
what southbridge? In one of your previous mails you wrote 82C686, 
in another one VT8231?

You don't post any code that would allow people to help you debug the

The memory test in auto.c is not qualifying. If that jmp does not work,
your memory does not work. It really is that simple. This can be
frustrating, don't despair. 

Have you compared northbridge register dumps between linuxbios and the
legacy bios?

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