> Has anyone found anything about the "second" plcc socket?
I was planning to investigate this. But currently i am a little short on free 
time. So if you are patient or if you have some multimeter you can check if 
the pins from  bios chip are connected to the equivalent  free contacts.

I have taken already an look at the dualbios stuff from gigabyte. It seems as 
both bios chips should contain the same bios (at least partly) and some 
software logic determines which chip it activates for booting. Well it's 
patented so there "should" be some information available but so far i haven't 
found the corresponding patent filings (are they public or only available 
with the ever involved "bling" when it comes these patents ?). 

Then there has to be some logic which decides to boot from which chip. But if 
s.o. can dig up the filings we probably know more?

Then it would be nice if someone from the list could point out which flash 
chips might be compatible with the free contacts. Also there has been some 
remarks on this list that the inner contacts may be some kind of rom contacts 
and the outer are flash contacts.

So before bricking your mainboard just try to dig up the above information? 
And probably we will find a way to enable an dual boot between the original 
bios and the linuxbios, which would be quite neat.


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