Dear LinuxBIOS readers!

This is the automated build check service of LinuxBIOS.

The developer "stepan" checked in revision 2659 to
the LinuxBIOS source repository and caused the following 

Change Log:
Changes by Richard Smith and Peter Stuge from the LinuxBIOS symposium 2006.

With CONFIG_TSC_X86RDTSC_CALIBRATE_WITH_TIMER2=0, 1 million outb():s are used
for timer calibration, which takes about one second.

All EPIA-M boards have timer2 so we use it to boot faster.

Only some EPIA boards have the Nehemiah CPU with timer2 so we default to IO
calibration but add the TSC options so that they can be set in

src/mainboard/via/epia*/reset.c is dead code (entire file within #if 0) so we
set HAVE_HARD_RESET=0 for both boards.

Signed-off-by: Peter Stuge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Acked-by: Stefan Reinauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Build Log:
Compilation of arima:hdama is still broken
See the error log at
Compilation of artecgroup:dbe61 is still broken
See the error log at
Compilation of gigabyte:m57sli has been broken
See the error log at
Compilation of ibm:e325 is still broken
See the error log at
Compilation of ibm:e326 is still broken
See the error log at
Compilation of iwill:dk8s2 is still broken
See the error log at
Compilation of iwill:dk8x is still broken
See the error log at

If something broke during this checkin please be a pain 
in stepan's neck until the issue is fixed.

If this issue is not fixed within 24h the revision should 
be backed out.

   Best regards,
     LinuxBIOS automatic build system

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