Hi all,

It may sound weird but the fact is: that a logitech camera "daemon"
somewhere within my system
cause this random crashes. Problem solved. Next time I need more RTFM :(.


Darmawan Salihun wrote:
> Hi,
>     I've been trying to build the code using MinGW. But, apparently the
> GCC (and it's related tools I'm using)
> is unstable. And it's really annoying because I can't develop anything
> successfully. Out of 10 build, only 4 or  5 will
> proceed and even then it will stuck at some points. I've tried building
> sample application but the end result is still
> the same. I'm using the latest MinGW and MSys from:
> http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=2435&package_id=82721
> I've reinstalled MSys and MinGW about three times and it still stuck at
> the same problem, i.e. failure in the build
> process. The gcc (sometime as.exe) stuck in compiling one file where in
> another occasion, it compiles perfectly
> fine. I'm sure the code is just fine because it can compile in my
> Slackware linux 10.0 just fine.
> Is anyone here can give advice on a stable MinGW and/or MSys to use?
> TIA,
> Darmawan

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