Hello together!

Im trying to build a linuxbios for my AMD Geode LX db800 board. First 
time i tryed it directly with linuxbiosv2 and v3.
After i find out that v3 wont work i tryed it with v2 and dont get 
anything working - i tryed it by hand with the lx_vsa and so on.
I read a lot of papers i found on the net but didnt get forward so i 
asked on the irc channel, thanks uwe for you help!

Im now trying it with buildrom - my main problem is that i dont get any 
vga and rs232 output.
I have a postcard which shows these values: 75,11, 40, 24, 66, F8, EE
It takes about 5 then EE is showed.

I have a very big ROM 4Mbit. The resulting image is 512kb - i tryed this 
and get the post-output. When i try "cat foo.rom foo.rom ... > 
final.rom" (8 times foo.rom) to fill up 4mbit it gives the same result - 
no output only on the post-card.

You find my .config for buildrom on nopaste - 

If have done everything exactly like in the read me.

I have a hardware flash device its called galep-5. In very sure its 
working (also with my roms) because i have flashed the old bios from 
this chip and cloned it to another one. Im also testing
some times if its still working by flashing the old bios on it and 
booting it.

Here are all details:

SuperIO - Winbond83627hG
AMD Geode LX 700 / CS5536AD
ROM - SST49LF004B (4mbit)
Devel-env: debian gcc-4.1 (3.4 wont work at all with lxbios for me!)

Im very sure that all the hardware works - im have done everything a lot 
of times again to verify that i dont made a mistake - also i have tested 
the hw with a other bios to see if everything included the rom is stoll 
working - every help is very welcome!



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