----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Corey Osgood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Darmawan Salihun" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "linuxbios" <linuxbios@linuxbios.org>
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2007 00:07
Subject: Re: [LinuxBIOS] [RFC] Call for Action: LinuxBIOS foundations

> Darmawan Salihun wrote:
>> On 8/29/07, *Uwe Hermann* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>>     The real problems (in my view) are:
>>     1. Lack of developers
>>     2. Lack of time
>>     3. Lack of proper datasheets (for some/many chipsets)
>>     Issue 2 cannot be solved easily, issue 3 depends on many factors
>>     we usually cannot influence a lot, but issue 1 is where we can
>>     get the biggest gain, IMHO.
>> I wonder if clean-room reverse engineering on commercial BIOS that comes
>> with the board can help for case 3 because most of them have a "generic"
>> code to boot the machine until preliminary RAM test. Personally, I 
>> view it
>> as a *very interesting* challenge.
> Very interesting, yes, but that routes directly back to problem 1. More 
> developers could lead the creation of a separate project with that goal 
> in mind, but for now everyone's working with what they have. If we had 
> more people/time, such things might be feasible and very beneficial.

suggestion: make a tool based that emits a trace of whats going on ...
i would suggest first making a tool for extracting award flash enables....


> -Corey
> -- 
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