> Help me please. I have attached my bootlog. Filo gets this error, what does 
> it mean?

Did you succeed loading any other payloads? memtest?

> Jumping to boot code at 0x10ea14
> entry    = 0x0010ea14
> lb_start = 0x00004000
> lb_size  = 0x00018000
> adjust   = 0x07fe4000
> buffer   = 0x07fd0000
>      elf_boot_notes = 0x000139a0
> adjusted_boot_notes = 0x07ff79a0
> Unexpected Exception: -1 @ ffffffff:ffffffff - Halting
> Code: -1 eflags: ffffffff
> eax: ffffffff ebx: ffffffff ecx: ffffffff edx: 00018000
> edi: ffffffff esi: ffffffff ebp: 0010003c esp: 00100014
> --------------------------------------------------------

It almost looks like it never jumped into FILO really.

This exception handling is from LB. I wonder why everything is ffffffff

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