#87: flashrom issues on m57sli-s4
    Reporter:  ward      |         Owner:  somebody         
        Type:  defect    |        Status:  new              
    Priority:  major     |     Milestone:                   
   Component:  flashrom  |       Version:  v2               
  Resolution:            |      Keywords:                   
Dependencies:            |   Patchstatus:  there is no patch
Comment (by hailfinger):

 For timing tests of flash readout, make sure CPU frequency scaling and
 power management are disabled. Then run

 time flashrom -V --read test.rom; md5sum test.rom

 on an idle system a few times in a row. If the "delay loops per second"
 value varies a lot, either the system is under load or CPU frequency
 scaling is active. If the md5sum is not constant, something fishy is going

 The real/user/sys time needed for the command is what I'm interested in.
 The delay loop value is useless for LPC bus frequency measurement.

Ticket URL: <http://tracker.linuxbios.org/trac/LinuxBIOS/ticket/87#comment:3>
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