> Yep, let's do it. Does the board have a socketed BIOS so you can 
> hot-swap it to have a backup chip stored away safely?

The BIOS is a socketed chip yes (a PLCC, don't know what type).
I need a replacement chip first so I can back-up the original.

> Please send the output of 'lspci -tvnn' and 'superiotool -dV' from 
> your board (run it as root). Also, please run the 'getpir' tool and 
> send us the irq_tables.c file which is generated by the tool.
> We can make a patch with that information then, if you're willing to 
> test it on your hardware.

Ok, I will do that. Please give me some time to install Linux on the
system (running FreeNAS = FreeBSD 6.2 at the moment).
Would it be possible to use a LiveCD as well, or should I just install a
full distro?

> Do you absolutely need the SCSI? See also Peter's post, I'm not sure 
> if/how it may work, but you should be able to boot off of IDE just 
> fine with LinuxBIOS if that helps.

I would prefer IDE, but since the manual of the server says IDE
harddisks are not supported... I don't know if that's a BIOS problem or
a hardware problem.

> Uwe.


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