Sometime Today, Ranjan Grover assembled some asciibets to say:

> Wherever i've referred to the chmod command help, i've only got
> references to 3 attributes. But when i right click on a file and check

Those would be the user, group and other permissions:

rwx (read write execute) for each.

> properties using GNOME File manager, i get 4 attributes. Get UID, Set
> UID and another one. Can anyone please tell me what this is all about?

That's Set GID and Set UID and Set Sticky

The setuid bit makes the program change its user id to that of the owner
of the program before executing.

The setgid bit changes the group id.

If a program is owned by root, and has permissions: -rwsr-sr-x
Then regardless of who executes the program, it will run as root.root with
all permissions of root.  

The sticy bit when set gets the file to stay permanently in the swap
device.  In normal cases, the file is removed from the swap device when it
is moved to memory.  The sticky bit prevents that.

info chmod for more info.


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