
> allowed to copyright (hence copyleft) s/w. Is air and water ever
> copyright? No! I see s/w in the same light. What I mean is that

What about people who spend a lot of money educating themselves to write
/learn abt coding. What about people who want to consider code'ng a
professions? Unfortunately you cannot compare free air to this.

> require s/w to be free (not gratis, but free), and not any
> liscences.

Aha, nice thought, but back up a bit and consider the consequences. The
GNU movement has so many able programmers rite now as most of them have
*real* jobs in the computer world (mostly as progammers). Rite now they
don't have to worry when the next meal is coming from.

But imagine a situation, where all software is free. Where would you earn
your living? There would be no incentive for people to get into the CS
field . Doing free programming is a nice, but then money is needed , ain't

Capitalism rocks aint it? :))))


Public Relations Officer, 
IEEE K.J.Somaiya college of Engineering Student Branch.

"God is big, so don't fuck with him."

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