Satya wrote:
> What's an asciibet?
a-z : alphabet :: \000-\255(base10) : ascii-bet
> >> Can Win* mount image files?
> >What?
> Some versions of (*nix) mount can mount a disk image file so it appears
> like a real disk... You can do all the usual copy/move/rm operations. Can
> windows mount an image file like that?
when Billoo had successfully stolen entire Java, what makes you think he
would not have stolen such a concept.
what you are asking is still not clear. in win we don't mount anything
as we need to do in *nix. everything is installed at the time of
installation. now we even have plug and play (PnP) that will
automatically identify any new device attached to system and suggest
default driver or give you choice to select and install driver.
In win, there is a concept of system flag in files which (i am not sure)
ought to remain at the same place where they are created. you can't move
these files as such. if you change the flag (called attrib) and move
them and
reset the attrib, system starts giving problem. even defrag does not
shifts these files.
there is a concept of RAMDRIVE in windows which occupies some RAM
(limited to available main mem, preferable 1 or 2M e.g. 2M RAMDISK
automatically created by win98 startup disk) and uses it like a floppy
drive. you can do all copy/move/rm (oops! are you unwell? first two are
win commands, linux once would have been cp, mv) (rm = del in win, move=
1. for chaging file from one folder to another, 2. ren for rename)
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