
Let's assume you are using RH.

I suggest the best way out would be to copy the "autoboot" directory and
the "autoboot.bat" and "loadlin.exe" files, all in "dosutils", and simply
run "autoboot.bat".

You can use your normal DOS floppies and copy the files one by one.
Keep the directory structure same, or you'll have to modify the
autoboot.bat file. (Not too hard. You can type the command. just see the
contents of autoboot.bat and you will understand)

Using floppies to boot is a waste (lotsa experience! ;-)



> linux users,
>       i copied the boot disk using 
> d:\dosutils\rawrite
>         d:\images\boot.img
>         a:
> when ever i am booting from floppy first line 
> syslinux .............................
> boot failed
> i created the boot floopy 4 (different flopies)times every time it is giving
> same message.earlier i tried same way in other machine it is working fine.and my
> computer is old one (p133   64mb ram   1 GB HDD) and it not supports boot from
> cdrom. please help me in this regard.
>                       Thanks  
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, India
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