On Monday 29 December 2008 11:15, Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:
> On Monday 29 Dec 2008 10:55:42 am jtd wrote:
> > > companies exist to make money - not to comply with ethics.
> >
> > Companies exist to provide a service to society. In the process
> > they make money.
> they exist to make money - they make it by providing a service to
> society. Some companies realise that it is good business to be
> ethical - others dont. 

That looks like a glass half empty.

> But people invest in companies to make money 
> - not to promote ethics.

It's a foolish investor who invests in an unethical company. His money 
is going to diminish quickly - Satyam anyone?.

And here we are talking of ethics, not illegality. In the case of M$ 
it's  plain old breaking the law, over and over ad nauseum. Ethical 
behaviour in the case of M$ would be like many of their products.

  • Re: [... Rony
    • ... Surya Pratap
      • ... jtd
      • ... Rony
      • ... Nagarjuna G.
        • ... Dinesh Joshi
          • ... Nagarjuna G.
            • ... Kenneth Gonsalves
            • ... jtd
            • ... Kenneth Gonsalves
            • ... jtd
            • ... Vikram Vincent
            • ... Kenneth Gonsalves
            • ... Vikram Vincent
            • ... Sachin Gopalakrishnan
            • ... jtd
            • ... Dinesh Shah (દિન ેશ શાહ/द िनेश शाह)
            • ... Kenneth Gonsalves
            • ... Dinesh Shah (દિન ેશ શાહ/द िनेश शाह)
            • ... Kenneth Gonsalves
            • ... Shamit Verma

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