On Thursday 18 October 2007 15:47, Benjamin Herrenschmidt wrote:
> >  Signed-off-by: Pavel Kolesnikov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >  Acked-by: Yuri Tikhonov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Small nit...
> You are posting the patch, thus you should be signing off, not ack'ing.
> Ack'ing means you agree with the patch but you aren't in the handling
> chain for it. In this case, it seems like the author is Pavel and you
> are forwarding it, in wich case, you -are- in the handling chain and
> should should sign it off.
> Best would be for Pavel (if he is indeed the author) to submit it
> himself though.

  Thanks for the explanations. Will keep this in mind in the future.

> Ben.

Yuri Tikhonov, Senior Software Engineer
Emcraft Systems, www.emcraft.com
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