On 2017/01/15 09:00AM, Benjamin Herrenschmidt wrote:
> On Fri, 2017-01-13 at 23:22 +0530, 'Naveen N. Rao' wrote:
> > > That rather depends on whether the processor has a store to load forwarder
> > > that will satisfy the read from the store buffer.
> > > I don't know about ppc, but at least some x86 will do that.
> > 
> > Interesting - good to know that.
> > 
> > However, I don't think powerpc does that and in-register swap is likely 
> > faster regardless. Note also that gcc prefers this form at higher 
> > optimization levels.
> Of course powerpc has a load-store forwarder these days, however, I
> wouldn't be surprised if the in-register form was still faster on some
> implementations, but this needs to be tested.

Thanks for clarifying! To test this, I wrote a simple (perhaps naive) 
test that just issues a whole lot of endian swaps and in _that_ test, it 
does look like the load-store forwarder is doing pretty well.

The tests:

        .file   "bpf-bswap.S"
        .abiversion 2
        .section        ".text"
        .align 2
        .globl main
        .type   main, @function
        mflr    0
        std     0,16(1)
        stdu    1,-32760(1)
        addi    3,1,32
        li      4,0
        li      5,32720
        li      11,32720
        mulli   11,11,8
        li      10,0
        li      7,16
1:      ldx     6,3,4
        stdx    6,1,7
        ldbrx   6,1,7
        stdx    6,3,4
        addi    4,4,8
        cmpd    4,5
        beq     2f
        b       1b
2:      addi    10,10,1
        li      4,0
        cmpd    10,11
        beq     3f
        b       1b
3:      li      3,0
        addi    1,1,32760
        ld      0,16(1)
        mtlr    0

        .file   "bpf-bswap-reg.S"
        .abiversion 2
        .section        ".text"
        .align 2
        .globl main
        .type   main, @function
        mflr    0
        std     0,16(1)
        stdu    1,-32760(1)
        addi    3,1,32
        li      4,0
        li      5,32720
        li      11,32720
        mulli   11,11,8
        li      10,0
1:      ldx     6,3,4
        rldicl  7,6,32,32
        rlwinm  8,6,24,0,31
        rlwimi  8,6,8,8,15
        rlwinm  9,7,24,0,31
        rlwimi  8,6,8,24,31
        rlwimi  9,7,8,8,15
        rlwimi  9,7,8,24,31
        rldicr  8,8,32,31
        or      6,8,9
        stdx    6,3,4
        addi    4,4,8
        cmpd    4,5
        beq     2f
        b       1b
2:      addi    10,10,1
        li      4,0
        cmpd    10,11
        beq     3f
        b       1b
3:      li      3,0
        addi    1,1,32760
        ld      0,16(1)
        mtlr    0

Profiling the two variants:

# perf stat ./bpf-bswap

 Performance counter stats for './bpf-bswap':

       1395.979224      task-clock (msec)         #    0.999 CPUs utilized      
                 0      context-switches          #    0.000 K/sec              
                 0      cpu-migrations            #    0.000 K/sec              
                45      page-faults               #    0.032 K/sec              
     4,651,874,673      cycles                    #    3.332 GHz                
         3,141,186      stalled-cycles-frontend   #    0.07% frontend cycles 
idle     (50.57%)
     1,117,289,485      stalled-cycles-backend    #   24.02% backend cycles 
idle      (50.57%)
     8,565,963,861      instructions              #    1.84  insn per cycle     
                                                  #    0.13  stalled cycles per 
insn  (67.05%)
     2,174,029,771      branches                  # 1557.351 M/sec              
           262,656      branch-misses             #    0.01% of all branches    

       1.396893189 seconds time elapsed

# perf stat ./bpf-bswap-reg

 Performance counter stats for './bpf-bswap-reg':

       1819.758102      task-clock (msec)         #    0.999 CPUs utilized      
                 3      context-switches          #    0.002 K/sec              
                 0      cpu-migrations            #    0.000 K/sec              
                44      page-faults               #    0.024 K/sec              
     6,034,777,602      cycles                    #    3.316 GHz                
         2,010,983      stalled-cycles-frontend   #    0.03% frontend cycles 
idle     (50.47%)
     1,024,975,759      stalled-cycles-backend    #   16.98% backend cycles 
idle      (50.52%)
    16,043,732,849      instructions              #    2.66  insn per cycle     
                                                  #    0.06  stalled cycles per 
insn  (67.01%)
     2,148,710,750      branches                  # 1180.767 M/sec              
           268,046      branch-misses             #    0.01% of all branches    

       1.821501345 seconds time elapsed

This is all in a POWER8 vm. On POWER7, the in-register variant is around 
4 times faster than the ldbrx variant.

So, yes, unless I've missed something, the ldbrx variant seems to 
perform better, if not on par with the in-register swap variant on 

> Ideally, you'd want to try to "optimize" load+swap or swap+store
> though.

Agreed. This is already the case with BPF for packet access - those use 
skb helpers which issue the appropriate lhbrx/lwbrx/ldbrx. The newer 
BPF_FROM_LE/BPF_FROM_BE are for endian operations with other BPF 

We can probably implement an extra pass to detect use of endian swap and 
try to match it up with a previous load or a subsequent store though...

- Naveen

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