Hi, We've been struggling to debug a hang on a large ppc64 box. Every time we collect oops output there are pieces of the oops output missing and in some cases entire CPUs are missing.
Eventually I realised the hvc_console driver is dropping characters. The commit that caused this is: commit 3feebbb5492e9e463467cefb633e23a3dfcec132 Author: Hendrik Brueckner <brueck...@linux.vnet.ibm.com> Date: Mon Oct 13 23:12:50 2008 +0000 hvc_console: Fix loop if put_char() returns 0 If put_char() routine of a hvc console backend returns 0, then the hvc console starts looping in the following scenarios: 1. hvc_console_print() If put_char() returns 0 then the while loop may loop forever. I have added the missing check for 0 to throw away console messages. The hypervisor gives us a busy return, so we could retry a number of times instead of dropping it on the floor. We'd need to do it in the hvc_console driver - the tty drivers share the same backend functions so we can't hide it in the pseries put_chars function. Anton _______________________________________________ Linuxppc-dev mailing list Linuxppc-dev@lists.ozlabs.org https://lists.ozlabs.org/listinfo/linuxppc-dev