From: Mohammad Sadegh Sadri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: What is the difference between Montavista Kernel Source andKernel.Org Source
Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2007 15:09:29 +0000

I want to know, what is the difference between the linux kernel source, that we download from ( using git ) and the original kernel source code that we download from

In other words, Suppose that I have generated the BSP in EDK ( version 8.2.02 ) , and now , I copy this BSP to the root folder of kernel source obtained from instead of mvista. Can I do the same things as mvista source in this case?

I would recommend doing a diff across the two source trees.
Since there are so many different versions and patches available, it is the only way to really know the true differences. It's usually never as simple as just knowing based on the version numbers alone.

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