Karim Yaghmour wrote:
> I've been trying to get a 2.6.x kernel working with a TQM860L board
> with little success. I can get to boot and _sometimes_ get
> to a shell, but most of the times it dies while starting init. From
> reading the archives, this looks very much like an SDRAM config issue
> (i.e. dies mostly when bursting.) Has anyone on this list got a
> 2.6.x kernel working with the TQM860L?
> Thanks,
> Karim

Karim hi

You need the following small patch.

For all the gory details follow the thread
   "8xx v2.6 TLB problems and suggested workaround"

Latest 2.6.12-rc2 works for me.

I don't know if there are any specific problems with TQM860L.

Please be aware that the serial driver has changed
     arch/ppc/8xx_io/uart.c -> drivers/serial/cpm_uart

Also if you use the FEC do give a whirl at drivers/net/fec_8xx.



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