Hi clemens.koller?

                  I have configed the CONFIG_WANT_EARLY_SERIAL for the 2.6.14 
kernel,but I still didn't see nothing output 
on the serial port .
                        I have some doubts,
                        1, Linux kernel 2.4.25 can work well with the same 
U-Boot and board as Linux kernel 2.6.14, what is the different 
with the serial port driver between these ?
                        2.The command line ,U-Boot sends command line to the 
kernel ,like as "baudrate ,root ....". In the linux kernel 
2.6.14,"make menuconfig ,platform ->default bootloader kernel argument",I 
config the console as the same as the U-boot ,
but it was fail .Didn't config it ,it was still fail .

                        I have measured the pin of the serial port , no purse 
output. I checked the CS (chip select ) pin of the SDRAM
(where is the linux kernel  implementation), the pin has purses when the serial 
port with nothing ,so I thought the linux 
kernel was running ,but the serial port was fail ........

                Now , maybe I will check the kernel code to trace the problem . 

                Thanks for your patience.
                If you have some advices ,please let me know  .Thank you ! 

????zjznliang_popo at 163.com

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