On Fri, May 16, 2003 at 04:58:49PM -0700, bob piatek wrote:
> Insight electronics has a V2Pro evaluation card that is bare bones:
> http://www.insight.memec.com/cgi-bin/bvutf8/memec/scripts/local/
> mc_loc_b.jsp?Div=INSIGHT&Reg=AMERICAS&Country=UNITED_STATES&Lang=EN&isDe
> tailPage=true&EDOID=200910&Manu=MD_XILINX

I figured out http://www.insight.memec.com/virtex2pro/ is a short-cut
for this ...

> It's a lot cheaper than the Xilinx ML300 but, of course, doesn't do as
> much.  You can get daughter cards for it to support things like
> Ethernet, CompactFlash, etc.  I understand that 'Mind' has ported
> PPCBoot and Linux to the card:
> http://mind.be/library/software/

That was an old port to a development board (ML2). Our port to the
Memec Evaluation board is not ready yet,


Peter Vandenabeele
Mind: Embedded Linux and eCos Development -- http://mind.be

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