
   I use ppcboot to booting linux ,but linux cann't go on when malloc some 
memory.My board is FADS860T,
it has 4M DRAM(in physical 0---3fffff) and 4M SDRAM(in physical address is 
03000000-033fffff),when ppcboot
run up,i use bdi command find it tell me total memory is 8M which is from 0 to 
7fffff.i think ppcboot maped
two memory block into one continuous memory block(are i right?).when ppcboot 
boot linux it pass bdi to linux,
so i don't know whether linux kernel  understand the memory 0---7fffff is 
actualy  two memory block which
is 0----3fffff and 03000000 -033fffff.who can tell me how to understand 
this.sorry for my bad english.thank

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