In message <20050821080936.DA55167F92 at> you wrote:
> Just as I know, we can have many partitions for our flash if we turn on MTD
> in Kernel. For example:


> How could I distribute my RootFS into initrd1 and initrd2?

You cannot. The *root* filesystem is always just a single file system.

You can mount  additional  file  systems  on  top  of  the  directory
hierarchy  provided  by  your root file system, but this is something
completely different.

> In U-Boot command, bootcmd, I set it to "bootm 40000 100000". 40000 is
> Kernel address, and 100000 is RootFS1 address. But where to set RootRS2
> address?

There are several errors in this text.

First, the kernel download address 0x40000 = 256kB is  much  too  low
and can never work.

Second, the "100000" parameter is not a "RootFS1 address". It  is  the
start  address  of  a ramdisk image. This may or may not be your root
file system, and it is usually NOT the address as seen by the kernel.
And, 100000 = 1 MB is a much too low address and can never work.

And finally: all this has absolutely NOTHING to do with MTD partitions.

Best regards,

Wolfgang Denk

Software Engineering:  Embedded and Realtime Systems,  Embedded Linux
Phone: (+49)-8142-66989-10 Fax: (+49)-8142-66989-80 Email: wd at
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