In message <A9DE2BAF233E444FA9C5E77A5825A01E865067 at> you 
>  When i port the u-boot 1.1.3 on my MPC8270 board, the serial port has

Your question is off topic on this list. Please send  U-Boot  related
questions to the u-boot-users list instead.

>   1. the Dual port ram cannot be revised manually, but can be revised by
> the u-boot code. What's the problem?

You're doing something wrong.

>    2. the serial_putc() in serial_smc.c is loop forever on  "while
> (tbdf->cbd_sc & BD_SC_READY);". How to slove the bug?

Make sure your clocks / BRG's are configured correctly.

>    3. the speed.c calc the wrong cpm, cpu, brg_clk, I had hard coded the
> right   cpm, cpu, brg_clk values. But the "m8260_cpm_setbrg()" is still
> wrong? Why?

Your system is misconfigured.

>         data structures, they all seems right, but the UART cannot work.
> How could I find the problem? 

Fix the problems as you encounter them. If the clocks show  up  wrong
you  should fix this problem first. Then all the rest might just fall
into place.

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And please don't post HTML.

Best regards,

Wolfgang Denk

Software Engineering:  Embedded and Realtime Systems,  Embedded Linux
Phone: (+49)-8142-66989-10 Fax: (+49)-8142-66989-80 Email: wd at
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