In message <000501c387e9$52901590$2a21a8c0 at qha> you wrote:
> Soft breakpoints just don't work for me. I have two BDI tools, and they
> behave the same. Not only that, "next", "step", and other commands just
> don't work properly.
> Here's what I get:
> (gdb) add-symbol-file ppcboot 0x1ffc0000
> add symbol table from file "ppcboot" at
>         .text_addr = 0x1ffc0000

Are you sure  that  0x1ffc0000  is  a  correct  address  of  for  the
relocated image? Do you really have 512 MB of RAM on your system? And
does your U-Boot image really require exactly 256 kB of space?

I think these numbers might be wrong...

> Error accessing memory address 0xfff00100: Unknown error 4294967295.
> (gdb)
> And now I get this. Did anyone go thru something like this?

Sounds like you are using bogus addresses.

#define DEBUG when compiling lib_ppc/board.c and check the output.

BTW: this discussion if off-topic in linuxppc-embedded;  please  post
any follow-ups to u-boot-users instead.

Best regards,

Wolfgang Denk

Software Engineering:  Embedded and Realtime Systems,  Embedded Linux
Phone: (+49)-8142-4596-87  Fax: (+49)-8142-4596-88  Email: wd at
It is your destiny.                                     - Darth Vader

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