Don't use zImage.initrd  PPCBoot won't understand that format.  Use mkimage to 
build either:

i) pImage - the stand alone kernel
ii) pRamdisk - a stand alone ramdisk
iii) pMulti - combined ramdisk/kernel

see SELF on for an example of how to 
build these

rajib majila wrote:

> Hi,
> We are trying to port mvista linux on Power PC 857T based board. We are 
> loading the zImage.initrd file into 0x120000 address and our bootloader looks 
> for an elf file at that address and then copies the kernel into 0x400000 
> adrress.
> After that the boot-loader jumps to that location and the pro-kernel starts 
> uncompressing the kernel into 0x000000. After that it jumps to 0x0. From 
> head_8xx.S, control is transffered to start_kernel by using a rfi 
> instruction. Our kernel crashes at this location. We would like to hear about 
> any such problem faced by any of you and how you solved the problem.
> We are downloading our boot-loader into the RAM (at 0x100000) using BDM and 
> we run the boot-loader from there as we are
> Not able to write the on-board flash.
> All the addresses mentioned above RAM physical address.
> Thanx a lot in advance for your help.
> --Rajib
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