
I am experiencing a problem with the MPC857T FEC's MII interface.

I want to read MII registers for our PHY (ID 24 on our board).  Per the

*       I write 0x36 to MII_SPEED (IMMR + 0xe84).  An oscilloscope probe
        on the PHY's MDC pin reveals a 1.235 MHz rate, within spec.

*       I write 0x6c060000 to MII_DATA (IMMR + 0xe80).
        This is:

        -       ST=01
        -       OP=10
        -       ID=11000
        -       REG=00001
        -       TA=10

The data read back in the second 16 bits of MII_DATA are always 0xffff.
This is
in fact regardless of the PHY ID (I've tried all 32) or register (I've tried
all 32).
There are two concomitant symptoms:

*       If I put oscilloscope probes on the PHY's MDC and MDIO pins, then
        at the MDIO pin's values at the rising edges of MDC, I see that the
        has actually written the following:

        -       ST=01
        -       OP=10
        -       ID=11000
        -       REG=00001
        -       TA=11

        which is *not* what I asked it to do.

*       If I read back the MII_DATA register, *even though* I wrote
        I read back the value 0x6c07ffff.  Note that the second 6 is now a

In short, I formulate a compliant request (TA=10), then the FEC mangles it
(TA=11) and drives that out.  It is no wonder the PHY doesn't respond.

This problem is observable in our debug monitor using simple peek and poke.
Thus, this is more of a PPC question than a Linux question.

Has anyone seen anything similar?


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