hi JF Hasson
   I am trying to port linux 2.4 devel to ML403. iam using the links 
http://splish.ee.byu.edu/projects/LinuxFPGA/configuring.htm and 
http://www.klingauf.de/v2p/index.phtml. Using these links i have done the 
following tasks.
 1. Build the kernel and created the system.ace file
 2. created 3 partitions in 512Mb Compact flash ie A.fat-16 (60Mb)
                                                   B.Linux-swap (50Mb)
                                                   C.ext3 (remaining 380Mb)
 3. copy system.ace to first partition i.e fat-16.

 when i put this compact flash on Board the red LED (Sysace error) is glowing. 
And iam connecting board in Windows-XP Platform.

So Please help me to come out of this and Let me know the Procedure you 
followed to successfully port Linux on ML403.

Best Regards 

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