
linuxppc-embedded-bounces+martin.krause=tqs.de at ozlabs.org wrote on
Thursday, June 29, 2006 11:30 PM: 
> I have two identical linux boxes connected via a serial link (9600
> bit/s without any handshaking). In both boxes the serial port is
> realized by SMC1. One box is receiving and the other transmits a long
> stream of bytes. If I start the receiver after the transmitter, it
> seems that the transmitter cannot send anymore, even when I start the
> receiver. The transmitter has to be restarted to solve the problem.

Are you really sure, you don't use handshaking? You could try to connect
your boxes via three signal lines only: RxD, TxD and GND. This should
ensure that no (hardware) handshaking is involved.


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