On Thu, 2004-07-22 at 19:35, Dan Malek wrote:
> On Jul 22, 2004, at 1:10 PM, Wells, Charles wrote:
> > ....... The real problem is that the
> > MPC850 USB controller was designed for target-mode applications and not
> > host-mode applications.

And even in target mode I see unexpected underruns, handshake timeouts
and a stucking interrupt endpoint. The software can recover from these
errors though.

> There are Linux versions of software that work fine in many
> applications.
> USB in general doesn't rate high on my list of engineering successes.

very much right. It works, we don't know why :)

> I'm never surprised when I plug something in to any kind of system
> and it doesn't work.
>       -- Dan


J.G.J. Boor                       Anton Philipsweg 1
Software Engineer                 1223 KZ Hilversum
AimSys bv                         tel. +31 35 689 1941
Postbus 2194, 1200 CD Hilversum   mailto:jjboor at aimsys.nl

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