Hi Peter,


Sorry for the delay.  Are you using arch/powerpc and the xilinx_gpio
driver from the Xilinx Git tree has not been converted to use device
tree yet?


We have a new gpio driver that we have not released out yet that is
flattened and designed to work with arch/powerpc.  I have recently been
testing it with success in general.


However it is a new driver that is not a char driver as the old one, but
a true gpio driver that is accessed from sysfs in user space.  


What are you trying to use the GPIO for? 







Behalf Of Peter Scott
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2008 1:43 PM
To: linuxppc-embedded@ozlabs.org
Subject: Xilininx GPIO


Hello there, 

I am having difficulties with some xilinx gpios and the xilinx-2.6-xlnx
kernel. As far as I can tell the kernel is configured correctly for

I can see that the module_init function "xgpio_init" is called, and that
bus_add_driver and driver_add_groups returns without error. But I cannot
see that the probe function is called.  /proc/misc doesnt list a driver
for the gpios. I am not sure where to go next as there is no error

I have seen other peoples consoles stating that the gpio is mapped to xx
but this doesn't happen for me. 

I am using the default bit file for the ml507 board, and have created
device files 
/dev/xgpio1 etc with major 10 and minor 185 

However if I try to open these devices the open fails. 

I would rally appreciate it if someone could give me some pointers as to
what to look for, or how a to go about debugging this.

Many thanks 
Peter Scott 

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