On Thu, 16 Apr 2020 17:06:46 +0000, Geva, Erez wrote:
> While the Kernel is under GPL 2.
> The headers and system call are under exception, so user can use the
> Kernel with non GPL code. But any changes or addition to the kernel
> itself should be GPL 2.

This is very different. The Linux kernel is supposed to run any kind of
programs under various licenses. Linux PTP is not a generic mechanism
intended to run other software.

[Slightly off topic: Moreover, the kernel has a strict boundary (uAPI)
between its internals and the user space programs. It's so strictly
defined that it does not require LGPL but instead is covered by a GPL
exception. That is different to libraries. In fact, the kernel uAPI is
more close to stuff like RPC or REST API than to libraries.]

> The exception means that any code that is part of the LinuxPTP must
> be coverd by GPL.
> But user may embedded a library in their non GPL application and
> communicate with the ptp4l.
> Do you have another suggestion?

Why can't those applications that use parts of linuxptp code be licensed
under GPL? That seems like a win for everybody.


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