On Thu, May 28, 2020 at 05:07:05PM +0000, Keller, Jacob E wrote:

> Presumably, other implementations won't support this non-portable
> TLV. Is there any part of our implementation that ought to support
> the official standard?

Yes, and this series already implements the official
SLAVE_RX_SYNC_TIMING_DATA.  Nothing prevents us adding the official
variant of SLAVE_TX_EVENT_TIMESTAMPS in the future, if anybody really
wants it.

> Or should we attempt to push for improving the standard?

Also yes.  Already there was something missing from the standard for
this optional feature, and I did share that with the IEEE working
group already.
> I suppose in some sense, since you're only sending this data over
> the local unix domain socket it's less of a concern?

Right.  We can implement what is useful now and lead the way for
others to follow.


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