> Actually libgig only supports samples up to 24 bit:
> http://svn.linuxsampler.org/cgi-bin/viewvc.cgi/libgig/trunk/src/gig.cpp?revision=3979&view=markup#l467
> The disk streaming Read() method is currently quite ignorant and only
> knows
> about 16 bit or 24 bit:
> http://svn.linuxsampler.org/cgi-bin/viewvc.cgi/libgig/trunk/src/gig.cpp?revision=3979&view=markup#l1118

Ah, ok, thanks for the clarification!
I'm really amazed, how quick you respond and give the corresponding
links! You seem to know your code well! :)

Funny enough, I didn't notice any problems when saving the gig-file's
samples with 32 bit using the gig_sample->write method.
But since I have no way of testing the gig-file, I couldn't examine the

> It is actually the other way around: the sampler already uses 32 bit
> internally for many years. So it is more the file format loading libs
> like
> libgig for .gig files or libsndfile for SFZ that would need to be
> extended.

If I understand you correctly, libsndfile cuts 32 bit to 24 bit.?
So since the wav-files I used come from an SFZ-container, there would
currently be no difference between the gig and the SFZ anyway, I guess.

I currently don't feel up to looking into those codes deeply to see if
I can help extending them. Maybe later.

Thanks again!

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